home hygiene programs products

Adagolástechnikai alkalmazások, berendezések

Technical solutions:

műszaki  megoldások, húsipari higiénia

Chemical dosage of chests, crates, containers, cages and form washers

At a producer company all the storage tools- used during the transportation and movement of the products – are also included in the complete hygiene. These tools can be cleaned manually, with a prepared chemical solution in a soaking bowl, or with a washing device specifically developed for this purpose. In the case of washing machines, the preparation and refill of the chemical solution is circumstantial, it is necessary to apply chemical dosing devices.

Chemicals dosing based on conductivity values

This solution is fully automatic, if all the additional parts are installed. There is a measuring and controlling instrument, which continuously monitors the concentration of the wash solution, and ensures chemical refill when it is necessary.

Required to run: voltage, 230 VAC.

Advantage: fully automatic, manual intervention is only necessary in case of chemical can replacement.

Chemical dosing based on time control

This is the simplest dosing method. The desired concentration of the solution can be achieved by pre-set dosage time (modifiable) and breaks.

Required to run: voltage, 230 VAC.


  • the first, initial amount of chemical has to be filled manually,
  • the desired concentration values cannot be maintained at a 100%,
  • in case of chemical depletion the pump idles.



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home hygiene programs products

Hungaro Chemicals Ltd. - 4445 Nagycserkesz, Halmosbokor 6.
phone: +36 42 508 970, fax: +36 42 500 039